Saturday, April 25, 2009

Here I am...sitting alone and wondering where I went wrong?...

I was raised by two loving parents who not only loved their children, but loved each other. I understand that this has become a foreign concept to most but this was my reality. I look back on my childhood with dear memories and found thoughts.

My siblings and I, although very different, got along like any brother and sisters do. We hated each other, and drove each other nuts but ultimatly loved each other. I can truthfully say that nothing has changed in that reguard.

My parents were and ARE the heros in my life. How did they manage to raise three children, (all of whom are exact opposites,therefor requiring our own level of patience) and still make time for each other? Did they have the same fights that I find myself having with my husband over and over again? Did they go days without speaking to each because there was nothing nice to say? Or are they the exception to the rule?

These are the questions I ask myself over and over again.

Some would say that I am idealistic, that my life cannot be as it was growing up. I should not expect to recreate my childhood for my children, for to do so would be impossible. That saddens me to extremes. I feel very blessed in my upbringing and in a world with so much negativity and blame placing...I ask, why is that bad? I have no reason to blame my parents for any number of issues I may or may not have. Instead, I wish to thank them for making me the person I am today, faults and all. They have shown me what love is and through them I have seen what life can be like...Loving.

Why is it so wrong of me to wish that my daughter knows this? Isn't it common place for a parent to want for their children the best that life has to offer?

I will end in saying that my hope is that my daughter has two parents in her life that not only love her unconditionally, but each other.